What’s on your wish list this year?! Nazim always tells me I’m so hard to shop for which is SO not true. Maybe I should send him this post…haha!
The truth is, after having kids, the holidays are all about them 🙂 I love shopping for them and look so forward to seeing their little faces when they come downstairs on Christmas morning. The excitement and wonder this season brings for the kids is so much fun. It is such a magical time of year for them! We try to take some focus away from all of the “stuff” and also make it about giving to others and spending time with family.
With all of that said, I still had fun putting together a wish list of things that I wouldn’t mind seeing under our tree this year for myself 😉 December happens to also be my birthday, and our wedding anniversary! It’s a busy month around here!
What’s on your wish list this year?! I’d love to hear!